More Than Just Coffee!

I am true believer, that the better you start your day, the better the outcome of that day will be. And for most of us this starts with a good coffee.

More recently, for me, that also meant to combine that morning coffee with some sort of mini adventure. And somehow - living close to the beach - I become more open to the idea of early morning swims. Well, it started with sea dipping, but it has kind of merged into actual swimming now. I started this about 5 months ago, and I have been down at the beach every weekend since. And right now the water temperature is at its absolute lowest with 3 degrees celsius. And trust me, the water is extremely cold.

The joy of drinking coffee after a swim is simply priceless. It’s that sort of magical moment, just before the day wakes up. The adventure is in the bag, and the day hasn’t even started yet. I feel I won the day already, and mostly, all of that before 7am. I want to further share that feeling and encourage You (yes, you!), to try new things and push yourself out of your comfort zone. Coffee And Coast is not just offering you the best speciality coffee there is, it more than that, it’s there to kickstart and fuel a lifestyle that simply helps you to live life, be bold and try new things.

Find your adventure, or multiple ones, that work for you. And if you like caffeine like we do, then find a subscription or single purchase that works for you. As you can see, we are only just getting started, with plenty of ideas, more coffee flavours, and many other products still to come. But for now, try some of our coffees. You won’t be disappointed. Guaranteed.

Follow us on Instagram for more adventures, sunrises and much more.


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